History Door Decorating Contest


Public Affairs Committee on Education

Chairperson(s): Christi Sitz & Barb Clark
Contact: christi.sitz@anchorageea.net & barb.clark@anchorageea.net

PACE is the Political Action arm of the Anchorage Education Association. Aside from educating members on legislative and municipal educational-relevant information and actions, PACE makes recommendations for endorsement for Anchorage Mayoral, Assembly and School Board elections. Recommendations are made after reviewing candidate surveys, holding a members-only Forum and conducting research on Candidates past voting practice and involvement. Recommendations for endorsement are based solely on Education issues. 

NEA-Alaska PACE prides itself on being a non-partisan committee of teachers and support staff from all across Alaska. Endorsements are made with the goal of electing pro-public education legislators regardless of party or affiliation.