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What is Delegate Assembly?


AEA NEA-Alaska Delegate Assembly Region IV Delegates


It’s important for all Members to understand the relationship between AEA and NEA-Alaska, AEA’s state affiliate, and NEA, AEA’s national affiliate, as well as important information on key representative events: NEA-Alaska’s Delegate Assembly and NEA’s Representative Assembly.


Your State Association:

NEA-Alaska’s Board of Directors provide oversight, vision, and direction to NEA-Alaska and are elected from seven different Alaska Regions:

  • Region I: Southeast

  • Region II: Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Prince William Sound, Yukatat, and Glennallen areas.

  • Region III: Kenai Peninsula and Westside of Cook Inlet

  • Region IV: Southwest, Northwest and North Slope

  • Region V: Fairbanks

  • Region VI: Anchorage

  • Region VII: Matsu

Each NEA-Alaska region receives one Board of Director per every 450 active members from that region. Some regions have several local associations within the one region such as Southeast and some have just one local association such as Anchorage.

AEA currently has six elected Region VI Board Directors on the NEA-Alaska Board.

NEA-Alaska Region VI Directors elected to the NEA-Alaska Board also serve as Region VI Directors on the AEA Board.

Your State Assembly:

Delegate Assembly: Delegate Assembly Region VI Delegates are elected by AEA Members during AEA’s spring elections, generally taking place in March.

“NEA-Alaska members have a voice in their association. Once a year, elected delegates from across the state have the opportunity to gather at Delegate Assembly – NEA-Alaska’s annual meeting to set the direction for the organization by way of resolutions, new business items, legislative priorities, and the approving the organizations budget for the following year.”

More Information can be found at: https://neaalaska.org/da/

Delegate Assembly is generally scheduled in mid-January.


Your National Association:

The National Education Association is AEA’s national affiliate. NEA advocates for educators and the education professional on a national level working closely with Presidents, the nation’s legislative body and appointed officials.

NEA plays an integral part in advocating for public education by: developing leadership at the state and local level, supporting professional development, fighting for social and racial equity, highlighting concerns around standardized testing, increasing federal education funding and other important issues to educators, students, and their families.

The NEA Board has representation from every state based on membership numbers. Members elect one NEA Director from Alaska.

More information about NEA can be found at: https://www.nea.org/

Your National Assembly:

Representative Assembly: Representative Assembly is NEA’s nationwide gathering of educators who come together to provide direction and vision.  Resolutions, new business items and the approval of the following years budget allow members to provide direction and vision to NEA.

Alaska RA delegates declare their interest to represent state of Alaska educators at Delegate Assembly and are elected by a statewide vote held following NEA-Alaska’s Delegate Assembly in January.

More information can be found at: https://ra.nea.org/

Representative Assembly is generally held the first week of July.