The Human and Civil Rights Committee has many goals:
This open committee meets regularly to serve as champions for social justice and advocates for underrepresented individuals in our community.
All members are welcome regardless of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender, age, domicile, marital status, sexual orientation, physical disability, or political affiliation.
Members have opportunities for courageous conversations about race and equity issues impacting our association, schools, community, and students.
The committee promotes diversity in AEA representation, and recruits minority leadership in Anchorage Education Association and NEA-Alaska.
Members have opportunities to train at minority caucus events and national affiliate conferences so that they may develop social justice and racial equity trainings for AEA members while bringing in partners from community coalitions.
Members join coalitions and form partnerships in our community to facilitate action and affect change in the advancement of human and civil rights.
The committee nominates individuals for recognition in the annual NEA-Alaska Human and Civil Rights Awards and NEA Human and Civil Rights Awards.
Human and Civil Rights Committee
Striving for social justice in our community and your association.
Chairperson: Afshan Mohammad & Danyelle Kimp
Phone (personal): 907 764 6716
ASD: 907 742 2700 ext. 8462
Meetings: Fourth Tuesdays Monthly
See AEA Calendar for varied meeting locations.