History Door Decorating Contest

AEA Good Teaching Institute 2021

August 3-8, 2021

Dear AEA Members,

We hope you are resting and re-charging this summer. The AEA PD Committee is writing in order to invite you to join us for AEA's preeminent professional development event this August: The 2021 AEA Good Teaching Institute. Like last year, this year’s GTI will be a virtual conference, so you can attend workshop sessions from wherever you are at (with an Internet connection) from Aug 3rd through Aug 8th.

Three exciting keynote speakers will be launching our conference on Aug 3-4, and we have 40 workshop sessions for you to choose from in strands that include STEM, SEL & Equity, EdTech, Classroom Management, Creativity, and Engagement spanning Aug 3-8. Check out our full GTI schedule here.

Follow the steps below to register for this year’s AEA GTI:

  1. First, log into https://mlp.asdk12.org

  2. Next, click this link to go directly to the AEA GTI MLP registration entry:https://www.mylearningplan.com/LearningPlan/ActivityProfile.asp?I=3787421 (you can also go to District Catalog and search “AEA” to bring up the entry)

  3. Look for an email in the next week or so from CVENT – our system for registering for workshops and disseminating Zoom links for access. All members registered in MLP will receive this email and should open it and click on the registration link to select the sessions you wish to attend. Periodic reminders will be sent to those registered in MLP that have not selected sessions in CVENT.

Those registering before July 19th at 4:00 PM in MLP will receive a $125 stipend if they attend 15+ hours of the conference.

Those that register after the deadline are eligible to receive a $100 stipend if they attend 15+ hours of the conference. There will be a one-credit graded graduate-level UAA opportunity available for those that wish to pursue it – details will be sent via email to all those registered for the conference. Also, attendance at this event qualifies for TISS Continuing Education Credits (CEU) hours, so earn a credit or a CEU attending AEA GTI!

Please reach out to Devon Roberts (Roberts_devon@asdk12.org) or Debbie Omstead (Debbie.Omstead@neaalaska.org) with any questions concerning this event.

We look forward to you joining us as we continue to Adapt, Learn and Advance!

In Solidarity,

Your AEA PD Committee