History Door Decorating Contest

From President Corey Aist:

“Community involvement in this process is critical. The Anchorage Education Association has one primary objective as we negotiate our next contract with the Anchorage School District: the retention of our educators. The most crucial factor in student success is having exceptional educators in every classroom and learning space. By working together to retain our professional educators, AEA and ASD can achieve ASD’s mission of ‘educating all students for success in life.

To meet this objective, we must address both retention and workload as more than half of ASD’s certified employees—over 1,500 individuals—have resigned or retired over the past four years, primarily driven by the lure of more competitive salaries and benefits offered by urban districts in the Lower 48 or by opportunities outside the education field entirely.

By pulling back the curtains and having our sessions open, we will find creative solutions that work for everyone and focus on student success.”

December 6, 2024 Update

Dear Members,

Here is the latest update from the AEA Bargaining Team:

On December 4, the AEA Bargaining Team proposed to ASD a new Remote Learning Article, 424. This article covers two timely and relevant topics: members' ability to work from an alternative location on Remote Learning Days and expectations around communicating with students and families. The team also shared a new language in Article 409.

SAVE THE DATES - Additional Bargaining Days:

  • Wednesday: December 11 @ 4:30 at the Ed Center

  • Wednesday: January 8 @ 4:30 at the Ed Center

  • Wednesday: January 15 @ 4:30 Location TBD

  • Wednesday: January 22 @ 4:30 at the Ed Center

  • Monday: January 27 @ 4:30 at the Ed Center

  • Wednesday: January 29 @ 4:30 at the Ed Center

Thanks again for your incredible support, and see you on December 11th.

In Solidarity,

The AEA Bargaining Team

Christian Haich, Spokesperson (Polaris K12)
Campbell Creed (King Tech)
Sonja Daum (Kincaid)
Michaela Kolerok (West High)
Amber King (Ravenwood)
Keri Lierman (Chugiak High)
Karen Grey-Levine (Rogers Park Elementary)
Brian Nelson (Retired)
Adan Reid (AK Choice)
Lem Wheeles (Dimond High)
Courtney Eyer (Uniserv Director)
Val Baffone (Uniserv Director)


All Members can take steps to support your bargaining team:

  1. Demonstrate solidarity: Attend negotiations in person: Show the District we are united and deserve competitive compensation and improved working conditions. Wear your RED and PURPLE!

  2. Show solidarity for your bargaining team and Participate in Red 4 Ed Wednesdays and Purple Thursdays!

  3. Connect with your legislators and encourage them to support increasing the BSA.