PLEDGE TO EITHER TESTIFY AT THE MEETING OR SEND ONE EMAIL ON THE DATE NEXT TO YOUR SCHOOL NAME!!! The school board needs to hear YOUR STORY! (If you cannot write on your day, then please do so when best works for you, but DO WRITE.)
These schools attend tonight, Monday, December 4th @ 7pm
- High Schools: Dimond 12/4, Service 12/16
- Middle Schools: Goldenview 12/8
- Elementary Schools: Abbott Loop 12/5, Aurora 12/5, Bear Valley 12/6, Campbell 12/6, Girdwood 12/7, Government Hill 12/7, Huffman 12/9, Kasuun 12/10, Mt. Spurr 12/10, Orion 12/11, Trailside 12/12, Ursa Major 12/13, Ursa Minor 12/14
- Alternate / Charter: Bowman 12/15, Early Intervention 12/15, Jesse Lee / Special Services 12/15, Northern Lights ABC 12/17, Polaris K-12 12/17
- Itinerants: Attend/Email with your assigned "home" school