This training covers key areas of the current contract, what constitutes a grievance, your rights with regard to evaluation, and general rights afforded members by the law.
Sign up by e-mailing AND send a refundable deposit in the form of a check, made out to AEA in the amount of $25. This will be returned to you at the end of Saturday's training. Once your deposit has been received, you will receive an email confirming your seat in the class.
AEA will provide leave for Friday, provided you attend the course on both days. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days. Breakfast will be available at 8 am on both days, with the training starting promptly at 8:30 am.
**Preference will be given to those interested in being on the rights committee!**
Members of the rights committee agree to assist with a few buildings of their choice, have been rights trained, and show good conflict resolution skills, as we always strive to resolve issues positively if we can.