Anchorage EA

Educator Stress

Anchorage EA

I received many responses from my ask in the November newsletter to e-mail me with what is making your job difficult and/or stressful. I’ve used some of the responses (removing anything that could identify the sender/school/program) in conversations with the District in trying to show where educators are overworked. Instead of a one-size-fits-all survey, we’re going to follow a different plan. First, at the next school board meeting we’re going to submit a program inventory that asks ASD to direct each school to find out what programs they are currently using. Once we get that back, I’ll be asking all of you to check the information provided and ensure it is accurate, or add things in if we need. I may begin to ask a few schools to gather this information before we get responses from ASD. I apologize for the pace at which this inquiry and search is going. It is proving quite difficult to put together questions that apply to all 3400 AEA members while simultaneously being useful in discussion with the district. I assure you, however, that I discuss this with ASD and am working on solutions all the time.