History Door Decorating Contest

Your AEA Team

Click on the photo above to send an email to Corey, Val, Courtney, or Jessica. All other inquiries can be sent to Lena.Gonzales@neaalaska.org

Our Members in Action

Join us in supporting Anchorage Students and Families

Search your elected officials below to send them a message.

AEA membership means you are part of a strong, united team of 3,200 members who are making a difference for children and schools.

AEA is affiliated with NEA-Alaska, representing 13,000 educators throughout Alaska, and the National Education Association (NEA), representing 3.2 million educators across America.

“The Anchorage Education Association offers you professional opportunities to be involved in ways you may never have considered and those opportunities will open doors and provide additional opportunities that may be hard to conceive today.”

—Corey Aist, AEA President


Quick Links

As part of the Educators in their Element series, NEA-Alaska members lead member to member professional development with the Anchorage Education Association at the Good Teaching Institute.

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